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Need for Lean Manufacturing

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Ever changing globalized environment has been posing challenges of competitiveness and survival to all the constituents of the economy. It has been more so for MSME units in the manufacturing sector. It has been noticed that units are so engaged in the day to day management issues that they don’t have time and resources to dedicate for a strategic understanding of the need and acquiring means of various techniques which would help them in enhancing their productivity and hence being competitive in the world. Lean Manufacturing is a set of techniques, which have evolved over a long period and are based on various minor to major breakthroughs that help in reducing cost and hence increase productivity. A list of main LM techniques with brief description of each is given below:

1. 5S System: The 5S systems is a workplace organization which helps in getting the “junk” out of the work area and set of procedures to keep it that way. 5S stands for Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize & Sustain.

2. Visual Control: Visual controls such as cartoons, charts, light signals, Lane marking on floor, Safety instructions, Warning signs, Poka-Yoke instructions etc., can be displayed all over the work place.

3. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): All verbal instructions should be converted to SOPs to remove dependency on skilled personnel in achieving required product quality level, consistency, effectiveness and efficiency.

4. Just in Time (JIT): It’s a Japanese manufacturing philosophy to make the right product in right quantity at the right time. This almost results in zero inventory and shortest possible cycle time.

5. KANBAN System: In this, components are pulled by assembly or subsequent work centers and the containers are replenished with the right quantities by the previous work center, which reduces the inventory of unwanted components.

6. Cellular Layout: In this improved manufacturing system, familywise component completion is aimed at within the smaller self contained cell, which is a part of a big factory, as compared to operationwise completion in traditional functional layout.

7. Value Stream Mapping: It covers all activities, both value added and non-value added, and helps in arriving at best layout of all resources required for making the product

8. Poka Yoke or Mistake Proofing:
It is again a Japanese technique used to prevent errors occurring at their source of origin, and it finally leads to a ‘Zero Defect’ situation.

9. Single Minutes Exchange of Dies or Quick Changeover (SMED): Applying ingenious methods, set up time is minimized and brought to less than ten minutes; thereby smaller batches as required by the customer can be taken up for manufacturing

10. TPM (Total Productive Maintenance): TPM involves operators, maintenance staff and management working together to improve overall operation of any equipment.Operators, who first identify noisy or vibrating motors, oil or air leaks, can be trained to make simple repairs to prevent major and costly break downs.

11. Kaizen Blitz or Rapid Improvement Process: It is an intense management programme, which results in immediate change and bottom line improvement. Both management staff and workers are involved in this.


CONTACT VCS for total Consultancy for Lean Manufacturing and Lean Implementation for Clusters and Individual Industries. One od the leading lean manufacturing consultants in India

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