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Cheap Wordpress Websites Can Be Very Expensive

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In spite of being the world's most prominent CMS (Content Management System) Software’s  used for blogging website, corporate website, etc WordPress has lot many issues that website owners are not aware and its limitations, most important security breaches.

The magnitude of issues you may experience while working with WordPress is genuinely boundless, yet some of major issues are covered in this articles for all website owner that have deployed their website on WordPress.

Conflicts of Plugins deployed on WordPress

Large number of plug-in (paid and free ) are available for integrating with the Wordpress. The implementation can be as easy as click and run, but  if you explore the darker side, the blessing sounds more like a curse. It just takes one plug-in to bring down your website, as the hackers on web are just sniffing for loop-holes that make their job easier to hack and de-phase the website. Not just hackers, the plug-ins can have various bugs that can conflict with the website and from the functionality point of view the conclusion is -- website ruined.

Solution: Just check all the plug-ins, and start iterating by deactivating each step by step to trace the culprit plug-in. More over make sure the backup is created of all the plug-ins or else you have to play Sherlock Holmes for detecting the culprit plug-in. Depending on the number of plug-ins deployed, this can be very frustrating and time consuming for complete diagnosis and professional worlds says…time is money.

While you iterate by deactivate the plug-ins ( all the plug-ins except the culprit plug-in) will help you to trace the plug-in that has bug. Since numerous plug-in is available, try hunting for a replacement plug-in. Many a times the developer of the plug-in could be contacted to resolve the issue.

Checking plug-ins updates, patches, themes and version of wordpress is a continual activity.

Generally when anything available is free of cost, people want it more thinking more the merrier. They never realize the hidden cost unlrlying the free plug-in, as since free its unsupported and as already discussed if any bug noticed, depite site being down, there is a cost incurred by website owners to get the bug fixed and site up and running again post fixing and patching of bugs by professionals.  Choosing tacky themes and loading the website with plug-in will always keep you on your toe, as every time you login the admin control area you many notice an alert that says something needs to be done. So, if you have a very popular theme deployed loaded with free plug-ins you are bound to get alert notices and this needs to be immediate fixed if not be ready for the catastrophe.

Solution: One should always have a scheduled check for alerts on updates on theme and bug relased on various plug-in and instantly fixes the problems based on the alerts. Weekly updates is suggest but atleast once a month one should check for and updates on themes or plug-in.


So, if you think you got the best deal but getting a cheap wordpress site be ready to face the hidden cost or spare some monthly budged if you feel too thrilled by getting cheap wordpress site by some freelancers, who themselves are not aware of various secunia breaches in wordpress themes and plug-in flooded with security breaches. So how expensive is the Cheap Word Press website can always be a point to be discussed which is beyond the scope of this article.

Various Hosting companies offer free wordpress site setup as an add on features when you buy a website hosting packages from them. But they will never expose the darker side of the Moon or educate their new/existing customers about the loops-holes of wordpress sites.

Wordpress sites are prefect if a college student wants to do a project or a bored individual want to spend time on writing blogs on his personal website. For serious website owners, they should ponder why WORDPRESS VIP is charging almost $15000 every year for managing the website as support cost, while various free lancers do it for $150 and best part companies like GODADDY says click and set up wordpress site as a part of their cheap hosting package unlimited space, unlimited bandwidth wish they even added unlimited trouble to safeguard the innocent users.

More articles will be written on wordpress websites in due course of times

Keywords : Cheap Wordpress Websites, wordpress  websites, wordpress bugs, wordpress security bugs,wordpress themes bugs, wordpress plugins security bugs, wordpress plugin patches

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