DeeTee Industries Limited is one of the leading manufacturer of slitting line tooling, cold rolling mill rolls, tube/ section/ bar mill, shear blades, tube cut off knives, leveler rolls, etc, from India. We are exporting our tools to more than 57 countries across the globe. We are confident; we will supply quality products only.
We are pleased to inform you that we are participating in Blech India 2011 exhibition which is going to be held from 14th to 17th April, 2011 at Bombay Exhibition Centre, Goregaon, Mumbai.
We cordially invite you to visit us in Blech India, Stall No. E-60 to encourage our efforts.
Deetee Industries Pioneers in Manufacturing Of
Cold Rolling Mill Rolls
Tube Mill Rolls
Section Mill Rolls
Bar Mill RollLeveler Rolls
Tube Cut Of Knives