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Projects Allocated For NGOs In India

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Various schemes and projected haa been launced by Indian Government, that are to be channlized throught the recognized and registered NGOs in India.

The main target of these schemes are to to support advancement of tribal through willful endeavors for incidentally filling holes in regions like health, training & education, employment and so on. The Ministry of Tribal Affairs had got assessment of the plans directed by an Independent Agency in States of Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand, Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh. The crevice filling intercession intensive these plans have had beneficial outcome in the life of destitute tribals as reported by the free assessment study.Ministry of Tribal Affairs had got evaluation of the schemes conducted by an Independent Agency in States of Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand, Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh. The gap-filling intervention thorough these schemes have made positive impact in the life of needy tribals as reported by the independent evaluation study.

MGO Projects list allotted  for NGOs In India under various schemes are as follows

  • Grants in aid to Voluntary Organizations working for the welfare of Scheduled Tribes.
  • Strengthening Education among Scheduled Tribe Girls in Low Literacy Districts.
  • Vocational Training in Tribal Areas.
  • Development of Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs).

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